
badewanne9 viewsThe uncoloured outlines of the bathtub-image.
Drawn using "The Gimp"

badewanne1_endprodukt11 viewsKlaus and Dorian together in the bathtub. :D
This scene is shamelessly stolen from a photo from "Bentboy's Place";. I hope you forgive me ^^°. Image drawn and coloured solely with "The Gimp".

dorianklauskiss9 viewsDorian and Klaus, kissing. Awwwww! :D
Coloured version, drawn using openCanvas.

dorianklauskiss_outlines9 viewsDorian and Klaus, kissing. Awwwww! :D
This are the outlines, drawn using openCanvas.

dorianklausversion14 viewscontent: self-explanatory (They finally did it!!! *squee!!* xD)
drawn with "The Gimp"

dorianklausversion29 viewscontent: self-explanatory (They finally did it!!! *squee!!* xD)
outlines and colouring with "The Gimp"

dorianversion14 viewsnaked Dorian in bed ^.^
Yet another image drawn solely with "The Gimp".

dorian_swanlake3 viewsDorian performing as a swan in the ballet "Swan Lake".
*looks disturbed* @_@
Image drawn solely with "The Gimp"

dorian_version25 viewsnaked Dorian in bed ^.^
Yet another image drawn solely with "The Gimp".

fae-dorian_2007-02-086 viewsThat's a joke probably only Twissy and Margaret will understand (and perhaps even they won't xD)
Well: they were complaining about all those Fae!Dorian-fanfics in the Eroica-fandom.
Personally I don't mind them, if they're well written (And really: there's nothing that compares to the pains that HET-stories give me!!! *shudder*)
Drawn using openCanvas.

klaus13 viewsKlaus, bored.
Drawn with "The Gimp".

klaus27 viewsKlaus, (still) bored/annoyed.
Drawn with "The Gimp".