k-_20dorian4 views
k-_20dorianteenyweeny5 views
k-_20dress8 views
k-_20lips4 views
kiss043 views
klaus00232 viewsmmm klausie-poo (haha XD) is in the shower - he must be dirty!
klaus00423 viewslook here, i know its messed up - but really its the idea of the image that i love, one day i'll fix it...
klaus01323 views
klaus034 viewsso here we have klaus looking dangerously sexy, although he does look slightly short don't you think?
klausbutter022 views
klausbutter045 viewswell here we have klaus looking confused and shocked, we could pretend its his first reaction from hearing eroica telling him of his love. but i really love the experession on his face it is very satisflying to me for some reason kinda saying "What? you did that... for me?" and i know the eye pops out and doesn't look right but hey! the rest looks pretty good ( the eye looked better before i coloured it )
K -work on buns3 views