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Image search results - "Major, Klaus"
klaus034 viewsso here we have klaus looking dangerously sexy, although he does look slightly short don't you think?
klaus_young_2007-06-12_kontur3 viewsA very young looking Klaus. (reminder of his introduction in the chapter "Iron Klaus", huh?!)
This was one of my first (awful ^^°) attemps using a graphic tablet and "The Gimp".
major22 viewsThe same image again - this time drawn in "GIMP" only using the airbrush-tool ^.^
Kinda like this one more than the other image. This image took less time and came out better. Weird. But it's just sketchy and black/white but the face came out better (even though I fucked up the eyes again *headdesk*) and the shadows...
major_2006-09-022 viewsAgain an OOC image: Klaus with just an undershirt to cover the upper part of his body :D
Err... and please ignore the eyes. I always fuck it up, when I try to colour them -.-°
Image drawn and coloured solely with "Open Canvas".
oe_388_klaus_2007-01-26_watermark1 viewsThis one was done at an oekaki board :D
Young Klaus again :)
ohshit016 viewssooo its not done as you can see -_-ALSO i got lazy with the background... ha ha haaa... -_-''
p7401_korrigiert_major_zigarette_22 viewsVersion 2 of the coloured image of the Major.
I corrected the mangled fingers (o.O) and tried to clean up the outlines (I still don't like it, but some parts are better than the previous version; but some parts are also worse... *sigh*)
7 files on 1 page(s)