A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Eroica has a varied - if frustrating/petrified/terrifying/annoying/etcetera - cast, and TONS of minor characters, few of whom get any screen time in fics.

The challenge: Write a fic/drabble that focuses on some of the more neglected characters.

Bonus Points For: Large quantities of alcohol, and/or conspiracies against (or just plain bitching about) the Major or the Earl.

Characters: A, B, Benedict, Bonham, G, James, Jones, Laurence, Mischa, Papa Eberbach, Polar Bear, Salim, The Chief, Z

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: write a James-centric story. It's just that simple. It can be of any genre, using any other characters you like--just give us JAMES!

Optional "bonus" challenge: make it Klaus/James. Go on, I dare you.

That's all. ^_^ Have fun!

Characters: James