Reviews For The Good Ol' Days
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Reviewer: Jackie (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 28/11/2007 20:20 | Title: Chapter 1

I love your Alphabet stories. The NATO side is my favorite part of Eroica. ^^ I seem to be in the minority, unfortunately.

Military-geeky detail question: Since B was so surprised when Z mentioned it, is A not wearing his rank on his uniform? (Sorry, things like that jump out at me. ^^)

A major at 20... I'd love to hear how exactly THAT worked out. *g* And here I thought 25 would have been outrageously young...

Author's Response:

Thank you! Too many people ignore the side characters. And not just in Eroica; in all fandoms. I try my best to let the boys come out and play some. Glad to hear it's not just me. 

Even at 25, that's incredibly young, considering the insane schooling for German officers. And B still insists that his daddy bought his commission. Dorian, however, says that it's much more fun to think that he did something very Richard Sharpe-like and got a fast promotion or two.

As for A's uniform, the one time I can recall seeing it in the manga, it's quite bare. He has on his NCO belt and shoulder boards, and that's it. You have to peer to see his rank. I'm going for B being unobservant before his second cup of coffee in the morning? *halo*

Reviewer: Margaret Price (Signed) [Report This]
Date: 03/07/2006 09:44 | Title: Chapter 1

OOO, I like it! So nice to see behind the scenes. And I like how you kept the "old" Tset separated from the new but spelling out the letter. (Now, explain to me how A & B switched letters after "Iron Klaus.") ;-P

Author's Response:

*HUGS!!* We call it "the carpet" ^__^ It's what we use when we seriously fubar and hope that smart people won't notice >D Or if they do, that they won't pick on us.

And I actually started spelling out Z's name in dialogue  because it made it so much simpler when the Brits or Americans show up to explain why he's so sad when they screw up his name. I figure, Aoike does it in the manga with the furigana by his name, this is just the easiest way for me to show it. ^.^

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