Oh, poor, poor Papa Eberbach. Lovely story otherwise. Is there going to be a sequel? The ending seems unfinished.
Date: 05/04/2009 20:50 | Title: Chapter 1
Oh, wonderful!!! I love seeing characters from an outsider's perspective
Date: 10/10/2007 16:25 | Title: Chapter 1
I love reading about the relationship between Klaus and his father, and Dorian's view on it essp. Thank you for a lovely story.
Date: 20/02/2007 12:06 | Title: Chapter 1
Dorian and Papa Eberbach bonding over art! That was so perfect I wish it really happened in the manga... then there would be nice pictures to go with this very funny and well written story. Great fic!
"Everyone knew of the Major's love for tanks, but perhaps Dorian was the only one who knew more of that love than merely the common opinion that Klaus was sadistic and liked to destroy things."
You very nearly owed me a new keyboard there. Very funny and very interesting fic. I'm sure I wouldn't be averse to seeing a sequel either. ;)
Date: 04/07/2006 06:06 | Title: Chapter 1
Hee. So fun. :D Fics like this makes me happy... I really like your papa Eberbach. Sort of nicer than his son, isn't he? :D
...the common opinion that Klaus was sadistic and liked to destroy things. Possibly my favorite line. It just brings a smile to my lips.
"And Klaus of all people is a strong, stoic example of a good German man." Much to his annoyance... In the case of Dorian, I can't decide if I should cheer him and tell him to be persistant, or if that will simply be the leading cause of his downfall.
...Perhaps it is you who is the art thief." / The two of them looked at each other, wary. Then they both began to laugh. I have a lot of pity of Heinz. He really wants for his son to open up to him at least a little, and all he gets is ... Dorian. ^.^ *puts on Cats in the Cradle*
There was that painting of fruit, the vase of flowers, the fat lady, the stupid naked angels... I adore the way that Klaus' mind works. Such an offhand yet deeply telling remark.
If he couldn't get it back, how was he ever going to save his father's pride by keeping this covered up? And in the end, Klaus truly is a good son.
Your fic was splendid! I look forward to reading more of your work in the future. Thanks. ^.^
OMG, Dorian is such a rat. I hope he has his life insurance paid out. XD
Author's Response: ...Unfortunately, I seem to remember James once warning Dorian not to die because his insurance policy was worthless. XD