Untitled Spamfic by Duae Neko
Summary: Line Challenge reply -- Ranma 1/2 meets Eroica ^_^
Characters: A, Bonham, Dorian, G, James, Klaus, Mischa, The Chief, Z
Genres: Crossover, Humor
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 650 Read: 8854 Published: 05/03/2006 Updated: 05/03/2006

1. Untitled Spamfic by Duae Neko

Untitled Spamfic by Duae Neko

"Klaus darling!"

The black haired man barely had time to react before, bells tinkling, the blond haired man had glomped him, arms tight around his waist. The full blond hair was loose except for two buns on top of his head and two pieces that hung beside his face, tied with ribbons and bells.

"Eroica missed Klaus!"

Klaus set about extracting himself from the tight embrace, short braid whipping behind him. "You talk to me like I care. Go away, Eroica!" Maybe he could get him loose before.

"What are you doing to my Klaus-chan?!" Agent Z had come to his "rescue" complete with giant battle spatula

"At last, I have found you again Major. This time you won't run out on our battle!" Mischa was right behind Z and had dropped his giant backpack, ready to right.

"How many times do I have to flush before you go away?" Klaus sighed. Eroica has let go of him and now faced off with Z.

"I just want revenge. Is that so wrong?" Mischa swung his weighted umbrella, Klaus jumped, avoiding it easily.

"My darling Eroica!" James had joined the scene.

"Eroica no want James, go away!"

"Why have you stolen Eroica my love?" James advanced on Klaus as well.

"I haven't.. ahh!" James nearly hit him with a flying calculator that had appeared from seemingly no where. It was followed by other projectiles, more calculators and the occasional abacus. They didn't call him the master of hidden calculations for nothing.

"Not the brightest crayon in the box, are we?" Klaus couldn't resist taunting the obsessive little man just before picking up a handy bucket of water and tossing it at his two assailants. A moment later a grumpy looking raccoon and an adorable little bear cub were both glaring at him, dripping wet. Klaus snickered.

"B-chan!" Agent A had run into the room, scooping up the little bear cub and cuddling it.

"Klaus, have you been teasing B-chan again?" A glared at him.

Thankfully, before he had a chance to be convicted, agent G dashed into the room, squealing. "Aww, my widdle Winston!"

"His name's B-chan!"

Klaus groaned, waving a hand in front h his face. "Nice perfume, G. Must you marinate in it?" Both G and A ignored him, screaming over what the little bear was named.

"Klaus darling!"

"Shut up, Eroica"

"Eroica wants..."

"When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you" Klaus glared.

"Klaus-chan?" Z looking at him with big eyes.

"No, Z. I'm not crazy. I've just been in a bad mood for 16 years. I wonder why." He muttered to himself, adding the last bit sarcastically. "I'm going out!" He stomped past the two arguing over the bear cub, muttering. "Do they ever shut up on your planet?" Then he was gone.

Eroica sniffed. "Today been total waste of makeup."

"You're telling me" Z sighed.


Herr Chief sighed, refusing to look up from the game of Go.

"I'm just working here until a good job at MacDonalds comes up."

"I know what you mean." Bonham made his move, both ignoring the noise coming from the other room.

Eroica smiled happily, surveying the scene. G and A were still arguing. The James-raccoon was rummaging through desk drawers, looking for loose change. Z was trying to stop him, and his sweet darling was all stressed and alone wandering about somewhere, in need of some comforting. All in all, it was a complete success.

"Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is done." He chuckled, dropping the cute accent a moment before slipping off in search of his darling.


Little side note. The name "Winston" is a parody as well. Since Asuza (sp?) calls P-chan Charlotte (which is a city in NC, as well as a girl's name) I picked another city. Winston-Salem. Call me a sucker for parodies.....

This story archived at http://www.fried-potatoes.com/fanfiction/viewstory.php?sid=15