[Reviews - 1] Printer

Dorian spends an afternoon looking through a little-used attic at Castle Gloria, where he finds something to read.

Rated: G
Characters: Benedict, Dorian
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1264 Read: 4773
Published: 20/04/2012 Updated: 20/04/2012
Story Notes:
The exact date of William Shakespeare's birthday is not known, because people didn't have birth certificates in those days. 23rd April is usually thought of as his birth date, because he was baptised on 26th. I wrote this short piece for Shakespeare's 448th birthday - just a bit of lightweight "what if?" nonsense. Happy birthday, Will.

(The sonnet is *definitely* not mine. It's Shakespeare's Sonnet 20.)

1. Chapter 1 by Telwoman [Reviews - 1] (1264 words)