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Reviewer: Sindeniirelle (Signed) [Report This]
Date: 05/06/2006 19:10 | Title: Goodbye, Beloved Wife

Another wonderful fic. I meant to read this ages ago, I'm really glad that I finally remembered! This was amazing. The beginning had me hooked with Klaus' encounter with his father, and I couldn't stop reading until the end. Absolutely brilliant.

Author's Response:

Thank you. Klaus doesn't get to be happy very often, does he?

Reviewer: Camilla B (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 22/05/2006 12:50 | Title: Goodbye, Beloved Wife

That was just... just... absolutely fabulous. Wonderful. I got all emotional. In a good way. So beautiful. And no, I can't express myself very well right now. XD Still, I love it.

Author's Response: You expressed yourself perfectly. Thank you for your reviews.

Reviewer: schiz (Signed) [Report This]
Date: 22/05/2006 09:19 | Title: Goodbye, Beloved Wife

I'm gonna have to go with...WOW. This was a beautifully done story and the first time I have EVER cried due to the death of an OC. Just wonderful, sad but with a happy ending.

I gotta say, the Klaus/Dad scene really sticks in my head and was a brilliant way of showing how torn up Klaus was without rubbing our noses in angst. You did a lot of showing and very little telling which was brilliant. Wonderful fic, babe. <3 

Author's Response: Many thanks. That's exactly what I was going for.

Reviewer: Kadorienne (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 22/05/2006 08:45 | Title: Goodbye, Beloved Wife

How foolish of me not to read this sooner! It's delightful, so sweet and romantic and funny. Also, I totally agree about Klaus's true tastes! And the "What was he going to say, that he wanted a divorce because his wife wanted to have sex with him?" cracked me up. Well done! ^-^

Author's Response: *purrs, preens, grins like a fool* Thank you very much!

Reviewer: Kadorienne (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 22/05/2006 08:45 | Title: Goodbye, Beloved Wife

How foolish of me not to read this sooner! It's delightful, so sweet and romantic and funny. Also, I totally agree about Klaus's true tastes! And the "What was he going to say, that he wanted a divorce because his wife wanted to have sex with him?" cracked me up. Well done! ^-^

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