Your writing is excellent; you persuade me entirely that this situation is conceivable and its result inevitable. I'm not personally drawn to the idea of a longterm open bond between the men (I love the tension, first-time stories, and ongoing conflict), but you draw the reader in and take us for a wonderful ride. Thank you!
Reviews For AU1 Appetite Suppressant
Reviewer: mint (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 30/12/2006 22:56 | Title: The Major Has A Plan
Date: 30/12/2006 22:56 | Title: The Major Has A Plan
i really do love this story, it's most likely one of my favorites! so well done in charater and plotting! good work! ^_^
Author's Response:
How nice of you to say so. Thank you.
Frightening and delightful. :)
Author's Response: Many thanks.