Reviews For Spring Haze
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Reviewer: mint (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 03/12/2006 21:40 | Title: Spring Haze, part three

so what the crap happened to klaus' career?! that was totally the point why i read all three.

Reviewer: Margaret Price (Signed) [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2006 13:09 | Title: Spring Haze

I have to admit, when I was told about a "Klaus as a heroin addict" story, my response was..."Waaaa?"

This could have been so incredibly horrible if handled badly. I was very pleased to see that is was not. And, amazinlgy, not an over abundance of angst!

Well done.

Reviewer: Margaret Price (Signed) [Report This]
Date: 01/07/2006 13:05 | Title: Spring Haze, part three

Nice continuation to the story.

Reviewer: Margaret Price (Signed) [Report This]
Date: 30/06/2006 23:46 | Title: Spring Haze, part two

Character study, introspection, and smut.

Reviewer: Margaret Price (Signed) [Report This]
Date: 30/06/2006 20:51 | Title: Spring Haze, part one

A predictable end, but, oh, such a lovely journey getting there. Thank you for not burying us in angst!

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