This just might be the best Eroica-fic I've ever read! Truly! The diary-concept is brilliant, the characters are adorably in-character, and the story itself..: Neo-Nazi-YMCA? Oysters? Seducing Z..!? Bloody hilarious <3 What can I say? I LOVED IT!!!
Author's Response: Thank you! I am sorry I didn't answer before, I hadn't seen your review. I am very pleased you found it funny, and very flattered that you think it's a "best in fandom" story! *blushes*
Reviews For Mein sehr geehrter Herr
Reviewer: fane (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 03/11/2009 12:43 | Title: Chapter 1
Date: 03/11/2009 12:43 | Title: Chapter 1