I've slowly read all your stories here and I've been loathed to finish it off... They were so good! I thoroughly enjoyed them all, especially this "old" one of yours (new to me since this is the first I've ever read it), since it seems they've gotten such a sweet (though, not perfectly sweet) happy ending. I hope I'll be seeing more of your stories soon seeing as I think you've become one of my favorite authors in this fandom.
Reviews For Never Too Late
Reviewer: Juanne (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 28/04/2010 03:50 | Title: Epilogue
Date: 28/04/2010 03:50 | Title: Epilogue
D'aaaw, what an adorable ending <3 So much love and well-written smex in this story - *thumbs up*
Great job!