Fabulousman Series by Margaret Price
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Dorian becomes a superhero thanks to an encounter with a meteor shower.

“From Eroica With Love” belongs to Yasuko Aoike, and Fabulousman belongs to Kadorienne, but she let me borrow him for a while. The full series with illustrations can be found on Belladonna.org.

Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Open Series: Closed


Dorian loves being the center of attention, and this mission requires it. How can he possibly say no?

Another entry for Kadorienne's Fabulousman Series.

Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Genres: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Crack, Humor, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Series: Fabulousman Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2517 Read Count: 5411
[Report This] Published: 26/11/2007 Updated: 26/11/2007
Second Chance by Margaret Price Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 0]

The Major’s first time with Fabulousman turned out to be a disaster. Will he give the Earl a second chance?

Another entry in Kadorienne's Fabulousman Series

Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Series: Fabulousman Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 812 Read Count: 4823
[Report This] Published: 05/12/2007 Updated: 05/12/2007

The Major must go to Gotham City. Dorian tags along.

Note from Kadorienne: This should be considered an AU, not part of the Fabulousman "canon." Fabulousman does not actually inhabit the same fictional universe as any of the DC characters.

Another entry in Kadorienne's Fabulousman Series

Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Genres: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: Fabulousman Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 791 Read Count: 5112
[Report This] Published: 05/12/2007 Updated: 05/12/2007

James didn’t know that being the accountant of a superhero was dangerous.

Another entry for Kadorienne's Fabulousman Series.

Characters: Dorian, James, Klaus
Genres: Alternate Universe, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: Fabulousman Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 569 Read Count: 4921
[Report This] Published: 05/12/2007 Updated: 05/12/2007

Dorian reflects on what it really means to be a hero.

Another entry for Kadorienne's Fabulousman series. Illustration by Nina.

Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: Fabulousman Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 661 Read Count: 5893
[Report This] Published: 05/12/2007 Updated: 05/12/2007

The Major always says he will do anything for a mission. Can Eroica forgive him for that?

For Kadorienne's Fabulousman series.

Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Series: Fabulousman Series
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12023 Read Count: 72342
[Report This] Published: 17/01/2009 Updated: 17/01/2009

After being injured on a mission, the Major prepares to return to active duty.

Takes place some time after the story “Anything For A Mission.”

Illustration by mhikaru

Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Genres: Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Series: Fabulousman Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 800 Read Count: 5159
[Report This] Published: 17/01/2009 Updated: 17/01/2009