chibi Dorian line art by Yoiko, coloring by Whizzy

Sadistic Entanglement

Welcome, Darlings, to that portion of the site dedicated to you! Yes, out of a sense of generosity and noblesse oblige, I have taken it upon myself to answer your most pressing questions regarding matters of the heart! Oh, and my Darling Major and a few others have offered to "help." Just humor them, my dears, and listen to what I tell you. After all, who could possibly know more about love entanglements than yours truly?

Dear Advice for the Lovelorn,

I need your help! My boyfriend is always chasing this girl at our school and it's driving me completely mad. He's forever duelling with her, making flimsy excuses to go see her and flirting with her. The worst part is that she's a *crossdresser*. When I tried to confront him about this, he just completely brushes it off as part of his plan for the revolution of the world. What should I do?



Darling, there's really nothing wrong with crossdressing, on the whole. The problem *I* see with the situation is that he's running after a *woman*. Goodness, what a horrible situation! If you can, get a new boyfriend and flaunt him in front of the first! Unless, of course, you're madly in love with the first, in which case you should seduce him most thoroughly. I suggest roses and a bubble bath accompanied by *lots* of champagne! Keep his attention, no matter what lengths to which you find you must go! He'll appreciate it later when he realizes that it's *you* he loves madly.


Crossdressing is a perversion! A good healthy boy of any sort wouldn't be dealing with a female so obviously lacking in morals and discipline! Find a new boyfriend, young lady. This one is obviously a pervert and your bad taste could rebound on you.


I understand your pain!!! There's nothing worse than a lover who runs after someone else unless it's losing a lot of money when it happens! It's possible that your lot in life is just to suffer, so you should accept it if you can. My suggestion would be to find some way to make money off of the situation. Maybe you could try to blackmail them somehow. At least that way, you'll have a little bit of cash to comfort you!

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